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$62.10 $69.00
Quannessence QBreakout Balancing Lotion is an oil-free lotion that helps maintain the skin’s moisture balance and prevents water loss. This facial lotion is formulated with functional ingredients, such as plant sourced esters, Kokum, fruit acids and oat extracts, that condition and soothe the skin while protecting it’s natural barriers. Active ingredients in this lotion open blocked pores and kill the bacteria responsible for acne, with noticeable effects after only a few applications. The QBreakout Balancing Lotion is non-comedogenic and leaves skin calm and soothed after use.
- Maintains skin’s moisture balance and prevents water loss
- Formulated with high-quality ingredients that condition and soothe the skin
- Opens blocked pores and kill bacteria responsible for acne
- Non-comedogenic formula
How To Use:
- After cleansing, using ointments and/or serums, apply sparingly to face in the AM or as required
This product is available for purchase online and in these select store locations:
*Please note that our inventory may fluxuate with purchases and that you may wish to call ahead to your local store to check on item availability.