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Hempz Pink Citron & Mimosa Flower Energizing Herbal Body Moisturizer will protect skin and lock in moisture, leaving your skin hydrated and glowing. Formulated with nutrient-rich ingredients, such as 100% pure hemp seed oil, sunflower seed oil and shea butter, this moisturizer helps calm skin and prevent aging while it moisturizes. Packed with vitamins A, C & E, this Hempz moisturizer helps protect skin from natural and environmental factors and supports the skin’s natural oil barriers. This body cream is scented with a bright, vibrant and citrusy scent and is gluten-free, THC-free, paraben-free and cruelty-free.
- Locks in moisture for hydrated and protected skin
- Packed with nutrient-rich ingredients and vitamins
- Gluten-free, THC-free, paraben-free and cruelty-free formula
- Scented with a bright, vibrant and citrusy scent
How To Use:
- Smooth generously over entire body daily
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