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Pureology's Smoothing Perfection Conditioner smooths and restores manageability to frizz and color treated hair reducing frizz for up to 72 hours after your wash. Pureology Smooth Perfection's power is derived from its key ingredients of Camellia, Shea butter, and it's signature scent of Cocoa, Marshmallow Accord, and Woody. As with other Pureology conditioner, Smooth Perfection is infused with Pureology's Anti-fade Complex making it color safe.
- Smoothing formula for lasting smoothness
- Up to 72hrs of frizz reduction
- Zero Sulfate and 100% Vegan Formula
- Scent: Cocoa, Marshmallow Accord, and Woody
How To Use:
- Apply small dime sized amount of product to freshly shampooed hair, focus on mid-lengths and ends and gently massage through hair
- Wait 1-2 minutes before rinsing
- For best results use with Pureology Smooth Perfection Shampoo
This product is available for purchase online and in these select store locations:
*Please note that our inventory may fluxuate with purchases and that you may wish to call ahead to your local store to check on item availability.