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The perfect styling paste helps smooth frizz for classic hairstyles to define strains and find your texture! This matte defining paste sculpts, smooths, & texturizes any style with firm hold. This versatile product is perfect for styling without adding weight, with its whipped souffle texture.
Benefits of Kenra Platinum Whipped Taffy 20:
Hair styling product sculpts, smooths, & texturizes any style
Ultra-matte, firm hold finish
Flexible working time with ultimate style control
Whipped souffle texture
How To Use Kenra Platinum Whipped Taffy 20:
Apply to damp or dry hair.
Style as desired
This product is available for purchase online and in these select store locations:
*Please note that our inventory may fluxuate with purchases and that you may wish to call ahead to your local store to check on item availability.