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$6.94 $40.00
Provide intense hydration in just 3 minutes with Kenra Platinum Rapid Hydration Mask Light. Build for fine hair types, this light, silky formula absorbs quickly into the hair via our key ingredient, sustainably sourced Babassu oil. This fast absorbing oil won’t over burden hair, even the most coarse hair types! This mask also features high moisture retention and doesn’t leave any oily residue.
Fragrance filled with stimulating green freshness intermingled with soothing coconut and white cedar, finishing with silky patchouli intertwined with golden amber
Benefits of Kenra Platinum Rapid Hydration Mask Rich:
Free From: Sulfates, parabens, & sodium chloride
Improves softness and shine
High moisture retention via sustainably sourced Babassu oil
Enhanced with Shea Butter specify for coarse hair, leaving it soft, supple, and completely hydrated
How To Use Kenra Platinum Rapid Hydration Mask Rich:
After cleansing with your favorite Kenra Platinum Shampoo, massage mask into damp hair.
Leave in 3 minutes, rinse thoroughly.
Use 1-2 times a week.
This product is available for purchase online and in these select store locations:
*Please note that our inventory may fluxuate with purchases and that you may wish to call ahead to your local store to check on item availability.