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Instantly revive hair, no water required with Kenra Platinum Dry Shampoo Hair Powder. This dry shampoo extends time between washes, extending the lifecycle of hair color. Save time washing or extend blowout with this premium dry shampoo that keeps styles looking full!
Benefits of Kenra Platinum Dry Shampoo Hair Powder:
Instantly revives & refreshes hair, no water required
Extends the time between washes & extends the life of hair color
Utilizes rice starch for maximum oil absorption
Perfect for full looking styles, extends blowouts
How To Use Kenra Platinum Dry Shampoo Hair Powder:
Shake well before each spray.
Spray in sections throughout dry hair to absorb moisture.
Starting at the scalp and spray to ends.
When dry, gently brush through to work product into hair.
This product is available for purchase online and in these select store locations:
*Please note that our inventory may fluxuate with purchases and that you may wish to call ahead to your local store to check on item availability.