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$25.93 $33.99
Redken Extreme Anti-Snap is an award winning product designed to target split ends and breakage. If you are struggling with damaged hair that just won’t grow due to continual breakage, Anti-snap is for you. Working to strengthen and protect your hair against chemical damage, heat damage, mechanical damage, surface damage, and hair breakage, all while leaving you with a beautiful smooth and shiny finish. Invest in your future hair health with Redken Extreme Anti-Snap.
- Strengthens hair
- Reduces breakage by 75%
- Heat protectant
- Leaves hair soft and shiny
How to Use:
Working with damp hair, apply Redken Extreme Anti-Snap all over or target particularly damaged areas, like ends. Style as usual.
This product is available for purchase online and in these select store locations:
*Please note that our inventory may fluxuate with purchases and that you may wish to call ahead to your local store to check on item availability.