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RR Hydrating Face Moisturizer, by Reuzel, is a hydrating face cream for all skin types. Calming, moisturizing, and brightening - start your day with a quick cleanse with the RR Solid Face Wash Stick, and apply the Clean & Fresh Face Moisturizer - this can be done in 30 seconds - tops - and your skin will thank you!
- Balanced formula for all skin types
- Hydrating
- Calming
- Brightening
- Antioxidant-rich & doesn’t clog pores
- Key Ingredients Calendula Extract, Caffeine, Shea Butter & Apricot Oil will wake up, nourish your skin and have you smelling like a peach
How to use: After a quick wash with the RR facial cleansing stick, apply a penny-sized-amount to your face and neck areas, taking care to avoid eye contact. Add more if your skin is parched.
This product is available for purchase online and in these select store locations:
*Please note that our inventory may fluxuate with purchases and that you may wish to call ahead to your local store to check on item availability.