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Save time in your daily hair care routine and space in your beauty cabinet with the incredibly versatile multi-tasking leave-in treatment. Boasting 20 hair benefits, the Miracle Creator leave-in is a perfect addition to any styling routine!
Benefits of Miracle Creator Multi-Tasking Hair Treatment:
Nourishes hair
Boosts shine
Smooths the cuticle and helps prevent breakage from brushing
Adds moisture
Heat protectant - prevents heat damage from hot tools
Anti-frizz reduction for a sleek finish
Evens out porosity
Minimizes hair damage and breakage
Reduces dryness
Conditions lightly
Controls fly-aways
Prevents split ends
Softens hair for an easier, quicker blow dry
Corrects roughness
Shields hair against external aggressors
Improves manageability and primes hair for styling
How to Use Multi-Tasking Hair Treatment:
Spray Total Results Miracle Creator on towel-dried hair, comb through and style as usual.