DESIGNME QUICKIE.ME Dry Shampoo for Dark Tones 339ml
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Don't have time for a shower? Have a quickie! This dry shampoo is perfect for those with darker hair colors and will leave no chalky residue. Formulated with unique rice starch formula, this spray absorbs unwanted oils while cleansing and conditioning your locks giving you that volume you're craving! Extending the time between shampoos can actually lead to healthier and happier hair encouraging less damage and breakage overtime - still need another reason to add a dry shampoo into your hair care routine? Didn’t think so!
-Maintains the natural look of your hair tone
-Cleanse and refresh
-Eliminate order
-Adds volume
-Conditions by preventing static & build-up in the hair
How to Use:
Shake well. Spray 6-8 inches from dry hair. Let dry, massage and brush out.
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