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$25.44 $27.99
Nature Pro Jumbo Circular Oak Brush is a natural boar bristle brush that is very gentle on the hair and scalp. Created with 100% "pre-softened", natural boar bristles, that feel as if you have worked with the brush for months.
The perfect length hairbrush, "worked in" Boar bristles are anti-static and very gentle to hair and scalp, making for an easy brush. The circular OAK-WOOD handle of this Nature Pro brush has two rubberized finger grips for an excellent grip and lightweight handling and styling.
- Gentle on hair and scalp
- Natural boar bristles provide anti-static properties
- Lightweight and easy grip handle
- Easy styling
Dimensions: 6.5cm
How To Use:
- Gently run brush through your hair
This product is available for purchase online and in these select store locations:
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