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Podo Expert Healthy Nails Tincture is the perfect product for the care, protection, and conditioning of yellow, discolored, thickened and brittle nails prone to fungal infection. Formulated with Nail RP Infusion Technology, this nail tincture contains active ingredients that provide intensive care and stabilize fungus sensitive nails. Podo Expert Healthy Nails Tincture helps protect and revitalize damaged nails during the regeneration process, leaving users with stronger, healthier nails. This formula has no artificial colorants, fragrances or preservatives and is ideal for use in conjunction with therapy for onychomycosis.
- Perfect for the care, protection and conditioning of nails
- Provides intensive care and stabilizes fungus
- Helps protect and revitalize damaged nails during the regeneration process
- No artificial colorants, fragrances or preservatives
How To Use:
- Wash feet and toenails with soap and water, especially around and underneath nail edges
- Dry thoroughly
- Apply twice daily (mornings and evenings) or as needed to fungus-prone toenails
- Wash hands, launder socks & bedding and sanitize shoes using Podoexpert by Allpremed® shoe and foot deodorant spray
This product is available for purchase online and in these select store locations:
*Please note that our inventory may fluxuate with purchases and that you may wish to call ahead to your local store to check on item availability.