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We all know that the on-going process of lightening and toning our hair can do some damage over time. However, with the power-fighting duo of the Total Results Brass Off Shampoo and Conditioner, your lightened hair will be restored to its most vibrant, luscious self! Use the Brass Off Shampoo as a step one to neutralize unwanted brassy, warm tones, then follow with the non-color-depositing Brass Off Conditioner to deeply nourish and fight breakage.
- Works with Brass Off shampoo to tone unwanted brassiness
- Deeply nourishes
- Strengthens hair for up to 6x less breakage
How to Use:
After shampooing with the Brass Off Shampoo, apply the Brass Off Conditioner to wet hair focusing on mid-lengths to ends. Rinse and follow with the Brass Off Blonde Threesome for best results.