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Disposable mascara applicators eliminate the risk of cross contamination. Since they are designed for one time insertion into the mascara tube, they keep mascara tubes bacteria free. Hygiene is a very important consideration and disposable mascara applicators reassure the client that the brush is completely clean and safe.
- Disposable applicators ensure that the mascara formulation remains intact, and therefore lasts longer
- 3.8” long mascara applicators are suitable for use on most standard size mascara tubes
- The cone-shaped brush can properly extend each lash and reaches small lashes or lashes located in the corners of the eyes
- The brush tip is made of tightly-spaced soft black nylon bristles, excellent for adding volume to the lashes
- The handle is nicely rounded
- Offered in a resealable bag that contains 25 applicators
This product is available for purchase online and in these select store locations:
*Please note that our inventory may fluxuate with purchases and that you may wish to call ahead to your local store to check on item availability.