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• Made of EVA foam, a strong yet soft and flexible material.
• These single toe separators are an eco-friendly choice: EVA is an ecologically Friendly Material:
• EVA is a petroleum based material that is easily recycled.
• EVA has a lower melting point than other commonly used materials such as pvc. Less energy is therefore required during the manufacturing stage. Less waste is Generated:
• 50% less foam is used than on traditional toe separators.
• Only 4 separators are needed for a full pedicure.
• Their single format and soft flexible foam makes these separators easy to work with and very comfortable to wear.
• They are very useful when only a repair is needed on one or two toes.
• They offer a more comfortable service for individuals with irregular toes.
• They also take up less space than traditional toe separators, making them easy to ship and store.
• These toe separators are more cost effective than traditional toe separators.
• Hygiene is a very important consideration in spas and these separators are priced for single use.
• Comes in a re-sealable ziploc style bag with peg hole that is easy to store and display.
• Bag of 144 pieces (36 pcs of each colour – blue, purple, yellow, pink).
This product is available for purchase online and in these select store locations:
*Please note that our inventory may fluxuate with purchases and that you may wish to call ahead to your local store to check on item availability.